The Foo's are brewing up!
Well we seemed to have leaped straight from making Pendulums into making a new street theatre show. Our new Street theatre baby is THE TEA BAR, we've been having loads of fun in the rehearsal room developing a variety on new eccentrically english blends of tea that will all be brewed up with theatrical gusto! If you are around on Saturday 20th the Tea Bar will be opening it's doors for the first time to customers 12 - 3.30 on Derby Market Place to try out it's menu as part of Derby LIVE St Georges day celebrations. We will be serving a range of teas from your standard builders to moana-tea-nos and cluedo tea a drop of Morcambe and Wise Breakfast tea.
Here's more info on our facebook page
We'll let you know how it goes but in the meantime here's a picture of Beth in a costume fitting in her tea lady costume in the making!